
Kirsten Blair is an artist creating multi disciplinary works based on observations of the natural environment of the Oregon Coast.



I often start with a basic palette of warm and cool colors and have a specific visual story in mind. But then I just start mixing. Choices become intuitive and often much more diverse than I originally intend. I try my best to feel through this part of the work. starting with what I think might be the dominant color and responding to the painting.

That is also why I like to work in acrylic. I work quickly, and I like the colors to reflect that instantaneous decision. No going back and revising endlessly. Another approach to staying present and rebuilding the neuro pathways of presence.

Often the palettes end up as a version of a rainbow. Typically bright primary colors that evoke the feeling of freedom and nostalgia for when presence was the baseline. Memories of childhood before I was a designer making aesthetic choices. It’s flow. Fully present and full of joy.

The Why of it All

The Why of it All

Tension and Release

Tension and Release